While there are regular exercises and expensive diet plans, many find it challenging when they are looking for the best healthy alternatives to lose weight. However, over the past years, acupuncture is one of the most common solutions for weight loss. Apart from helping with weight loss, it also aids in leaving the body feeling relaxed and stress-free. Also, acupuncture does not have negative effects as it leaves the body in better form.
This is why at Dr. Song Acupuncture and Massages clinic we have professional therapists that are excellent and trained to use acupuncture for weight loss in South Edmonton. Our therapists are experienced as they use the insertion of needles to stimulate different areas of the body, resulting in a healthy mind and better physical health. To help you avoid weight loss supplements, here are things to know when considering acupuncture in Edmonton for weight loss.
It is effective
Acupuncture for weight loss helps boost blood circulation which results in energy flow. Having a good energy flow in the body will help in burning more calories. As a result, the treatment helps to promote weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism, and this means individuals will make healthier use of the nutrients that are being consumed. This is because acupuncture treatment assists in reducing stress and anxiety, resulting in avoiding binge eating
Higher Levels of Endorphins
Acupuncture for weight loss is beneficial as it assists in releasing higher levels of endorphins, which are a part of the limbic system that has receptors responsible for people to interact. This is useful as it helps to motivate individuals to handle their weight issues and live healthy life.
Help achieve Weight Loss Goals
When considering acupuncture for weight loss, it is important to identify objectives such as the metabolism being accelerated through physical activity to get rid of unwanted fat, reduced stress to avoid binge eating, improved digestive function, and avoiding unnecessary hunger should be avoided
Forces Within
The most important force of the human body is the Qi as excess or deficiency of it may result in imbalances that are regarded as an illness. This is why our therapists use Acupuncture to fix the imbalance in the body by stimulating the right acupoints. Also, this helps avoid the weight gain that can result from deficiency of primary Qi in the stomach and spleen or excessive heat in the intestines.
Visit Dr. Song Acupuncture and Massages clinic
If you are looking for acupuncture in Edmonton for weight loss, then your search ends here. Our therapists at Dr. Song Acupuncture and Massages clinic are experienced to offer treatment that will show positive results and improve physical and mental health. We offer acupuncture treatment in South Edmonton, so call us at 780-435-5312 or send an email at drsongacupuncturemassage@gmail.com to start your weight loss goals.