L1) Unit 245,9750 51 Ave NW, Edmonton AB

We service in this location since 1995. We want to help you relieve pain, relax, and share traditional Chinese medical knowledge. Our practitioners are from around the world and bring detailed knowledge and diverse personal experiences and skills that may not otherwise be available. Whatever the problem may be, don’t hesitate to contact us and ask whether we can help!




Unit 245,9750 51 Ave NW, Edmonton AB

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri 10 am to 9 pm

Sat – Sun 9 am to 6 pm

Professional Massage Therapists

Dr. Holly Song T. C. M. R. Ac

Dr. Holly Song graduated from the University of Changchun Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is MD in China. She has been practicing Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 30 years. She has been servicing acupuncture Edmonton since 1995. Dr. Song uses the Traditional Chinese Medical diagnosis method to indicate the cause of the problem and dialectically treat it. Dr. Song uses Traditional Chinese and modern acupuncture techniques combine with Chinese herbs, cupping, guasha helped thousands of people to acupuncture Edmonton. Dr. Song Specialties:

Insomnia/Anxiety/Opthalmology/Otology/Neurology/Dermatology/Gynecology/Endocrinology/Gastroenterology/Cardiology/ Weight patients Heath is her concern.

Khaled (Jason) AI kountar: Registered Massage Therapist

Jason is a registered massage therapist with over 3000hours . Throughout his experience he has adapted in a wide range of massage techniques.His clients and his management team embraced his therapeutic skills and that helps with being able to provide quality care with confidence. The most important is the clients safety and comfort. He is currently in school completing the Manual Osteopathic Course therapy and will soon add it to his practice. He has background in Biochemistry.

  • Manual Osteopathic therapy (student)
  • BS in Biochemistry.

Stephanie Labutis Registered Massage Therapist

Stephanie Labutis is a registered massage therapist (R.M.T) with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada and a registered nurse (R.N.) with the Canadian Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta. Stephanie specializes in massage and health services for adults and children in a clinical setting, designed to create a positive experience of wellbeing.

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