While there are pharmaceutical solutions, a lot of women are now using acupuncture to boost their fertility. Unfortunately, this is because some women face the problem of being unable to conceive and this may have a negative impact on their mental health. Fortunately, acupuncture in Edmonton is being used to promote fertility. This is why at Dr. Song Acupuncture & Massages clinic we offer acupuncture for IVF and IUI support, reproductive health, and pain management.
Whether you are using acupuncture as your first pregnancy-promoting method or second, it is a natural and non-invasive treatment that is effective. To help you understand, in this blog, we share all you need to know about acupuncture in Edmonton for fertility.
How Acupuncture Works to Promote Fertility
Acupuncture treatment stimulates the nervous system, resulting in promoting the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. The improvement in the production of these substances in the body also triggers the body’s natural healing abilities to help both physical and mental wellbeing. Apart from stress increasing adrenaline in the body, it also affects the individual’s ability to properly use progesterone, and this may have an effect on fertility. Stress also affects the blood flow into the uterus and lack of proper blood flow to the uterus may cause the body not to allow an embryo to be conceived. Using acupuncture treatment, the body can be assisted to relieve stress and improve the consistent blood flow. Acupuncture for IVF & IUI support is also used as it is a great way to promote fertility.
What To Consider When Looking for An Acupuncturist
If you are looking for acupuncture treatment, it is important to consider a variety of factors before scheduling an appointment and some may include:
- Song Acupuncture & Massages clinic in Edmonton features reputable, well-trained, and licensed acupuncturists. The acupuncture treatments are very useful and effective for different beneficial conditions, including during pregnancy.
- Avoid eating unhealthy foods or not exercising regularly as this plays a role in causing infertility.
This is why reputable acupuncturists reflect on the daily lifestyle habits and routine of patients to determine whether they may be affecting fertility. Also, things such as alcohol, caffeine, junk food, and sweeteners must be avoided. It is also recommended to practice gentle exercises including walking, jogging, and yoga, even meditation.
How To Prepare for Your Appointment
It is important to get your mind and body prepared on the day of your acupuncture appointment and the preparation is relatively easy as it assists patients to follow the below tips in mind and actions to have a smooth session:
Comfortable clothing
Make sure to wear clothing that is comfortable for your acupuncture session, as this makes all the difference, consider loose-fitting clothing as they enable the acupuncturist to easily place needles in specific areas.
Avoid Caffeine
The day before your appointment it is very necessary to skip that morning coffee as it is a stimulant and can activate the body’s flight mode, which the treatment is trying to decrease.
Dr. Song Acupuncture & Massages clinic in Edmonton offer a variety of non-invasive, natural, and holistic treatment methods for fertility. We are a reputable naturopathic clinic that offers a variety of services from acupuncture for IVF & IUI support, and reproductive health, to pain management.