Acupuncture is an ancient form of therapy that is practiced within the discipline of Chinese Medicine it involves inserting fine needles into the surface of a patient’s skin. The thin needles stimulate the body’s natural healing process. Although some are not precisely certain how it works, acupuncture treatment helps to relieve various pains including headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, sciatica pain, heel pain, and elbow pain. This is because the treatment’s effectiveness is based on the principle of Qi, which is regarded as the life force of the universe. At Dr. Song Acupuncture And Massage, we use effective acupuncture treatment for pain as the therapy is designed to unblock the flow of Qi. in this blog, we share a look at the types of pain acupuncture treatment can relieve.
Lower back pain
One of the common types of ailments among people is lower back pain. This type of ailment mostly comes as a result of sitting for long periods of time, poor posture, or lack of exercise. This is why people suffering from lower back pain are perfect candidates for acupuncture treatment as it stimulates the body’s healing process and increases blood flow in that area.
According to research, it has been shown that acupuncture therapy is very effective in treating migraines. This is why many doctors recommend patients suffering from headaches receive the treatment as it helps reduce migraines.
Knee Pain
Another common ailment is knee pain, often connected to arthritis and again, acupuncture treatment is known to be an effective form of treatment to help heal this ailment. Research shows that patients who received this therapy witnessed a decrease in pain and stiffness levels while increasing muscle strength in the knee.
Chronic Neck Pain
Last but not least, chronic neck pain is the most common reason people seek out acupuncture as a treatment. While many try other solutions that include massage, yoga, and physical therapy, they usually do not find any results. This is why acupuncture may be considered the best solution for you as a few sessions targeting the problem areas, may offer you lasting results.
Wrapping Up
We have seen that acupuncture is not only neck pain, but has the ability to treat a range of ailments. If the therapy is given sufficient time, energy will be released and stimulate the body’s natural healing process. If you are looking for acupuncture treatment in Edmonton, your search ends here, Dr. Song Acupuncture And Massage feature experienced physiotherapists and doctors that provide consultation to see if acupuncture is right for you. To learn more about acupuncture for neck pain, feel free to call us at 780-435-5312 or send an email at and we will get back to you.