Neck pain can interfere with people’s daily lives and makes people feel uneasy or uncomfortable when moving or doing something. Fortunately, holistic treatments, such as acupuncture for neck pain, help deal with specific pressure points related to neck tension. If you are looking for acupuncture treatment for neck pain, then your search ends here. Dr. Song Acupuncture & Massages Clinic offers a wide range of holistic treatments including acupuncture in South Edmonton. Continuing on the subject, to help know what to expect, here are five pressure points used in acupuncture for neck pain in Edmonton.
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1. Feng Chi (GB20).
Feng Chi, or GB20, is the most effective point to ease neck pain. There is a hollow place at the bottom of the skull between the two great neck muscles. Feng Chi usually reduces neck stiffness and evens out headaches that typically characterize neck pain. Pressure applied here helps relax tension and improves blood circulation, therefore, providing instant relief for those experiencing muscular stiffness.
2. Jian Jing (GB21)
Jian Jing, or GB21, is located on the shoulder muscle, halfway between the neck and the outer shoulder. It is said to alleviate tension in the upper shoulders and the neck. Since a person can reduce the agony, GB 21 is said to relieve the stress that has been accumulated in the trapezius muscles by soothing their tension. It suits those who have tension headaches and even shoulder aches. However, GB 21 has extremely stimulating effects, so its application to pregnant women has to be particularly cautious.
3. He Gu (LI4)
He Gu is also known as LI4, and is located on the dorsal aspect of the hand, between the thumb and index finger. While not necessarily on the neck itself, it has been discovered that stimulating here decreases both inflammation and pain in the body, even specifically related to the neck. This has been labeled a “master point” of acupressure because it allows for the release of tension and the flow of energy, which makes this a prime treatment site for general pain and discomfort in the neck and head region.
4. Zhong Zu (TE3)
Zhong Zu or TE3 is situated on the hand, just above the fourth and fifth fingers. This point is often used in diagnosing neck pain that goes up into the head and causes dizziness. Stimulation of Zhong Zu can help relieve neck tension while also promoting an increase in blood circulation, this may lead to a more relaxing state and reduce stress, thus being a good choice for chronic neck tension.
5. Da Zhui (GV14)
Da Zhui, or GV14, is located at the base of the neck, one centimeter below the seventh cervical vertebra. It is often referred to as the “Big Vertebra.” Pressure here commonly accesses pain in the neck and upper back. This will open up pent-up energy along the spine, which helps rid the neck area of pain and stiffness. This point is especially helpful for those whose stiffness results from being seated too long or who have poor posture.
Closing Thoughts
If you are suffering from neck pain, then acupuncture might be the holistic solution to treat your physical and energetic aspect of pain. Focusing on these five pressure points, our acupuncture practitioner may offer relief that is custom-tailored to your individual body’s needs. Dr. Song Acupuncture and Massage Clinic in South Edmonton specializes in traditional Chinese medicine techniques combined with a personalized treatment plan. Book an appointment today at 780-435-5312 to learn how acupuncture for neck pain can help you return to comfort and flexibility naturally.
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