Nerve, muscle, ligament, and spine injuries are some causes of the most common type of chronic pain, back pain. If you are looking for acupuncture treatment in South Edmonton, then your search end here. We have professional therapists who are trained and experienced to provide the best form of treatment for back pain. As an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, our acupuncture treatment involves the use of hair-thin needles inserted into specific points in the body, as a result, it helps balance the patient’s internal “energy,” also known as Qi in acupuncture.
However, according to studies acupuncture has shown to yield the same effects in reducing back pain and also reduce the pain better compared to no treatment.
Understanding Acupuncture for Back Pain
If you are not a fan of needles, it is important to understand the whole process as visiting our acupuncturist may be nerve-wracking. From your first visit to our acupuncturist, here is what to expect:
First Visit
Our acupuncturist will assess the general health of the patients during their first visit, this is when patients will be asked questions relating to their condition, diet, sleeping patterns, emotional health, and family’s medical history if there is any.
During the Treatment
During our first treatment session which may take up to two hours, our acupuncturist will be paying special attention to patients as they will be ready to know if anything is uncomfortable at any point during the process.
The Benefits
Relieves Stress
Another thing that can contribute to back pain is stress, this is because stress may strain and gives tension in the back, resulting in a change in breathing patterns. This is why we offer acupuncture for back pain as it provides patients with a feeling of relaxation, calmness, and improved mood after the treatment.
Boost Sleep
If you are suffering from back pain, it is possible to find it challenging to have a comfortable sleeping position. This is why we advise patients to get acupuncture treatment as it serves as an effective for both back pain and boosts sleep, as the treatment offers a calming effect.
Reduces Medication Intake
Repetitive stress injuries are regarded as the cause of back pain, and since our acupuncture treatment does not involve any medication, it helps to reduce the need for expensive medication intake.
Effective and Affordable Acupuncture for back pain In Edmonton
Our professional acupuncturists at Dr. Song Acupuncture & Massages clinic provide treatment that helps the whole body, including the shoulder, knees, elbows, spine, hips, wrists, hands, and ankles. The services we offer include effective and affordable acupuncture for back pain in locations such as Edmonton.
If you are looking to schedule a consultation for acupuncture treatment, contact us today at 780-435-5312, or request an appointment at We look forward to assisting you to find relief from your back pain.