According to American Acupuncture Council, acupuncture is regarded as an effective approach that does not require medications. This type of treatment uses specialized thin needles that are also flexible. The thin needles are inserted into the skin targeting the Qi points. When the acupuncture treatment is done correctly, it can help balance the energy flow in the body and make the patient feel better. Professional and experienced acupuncturists at Dr. Song Acupuncture and Massage use this traditional treatment to offer even more than relief from pain as our regular sessions of this non-pharmacological treatment can also improve the quality of life. To help you understand, in this blog, we share the benefits of acupuncture in Edmonton for emotional balance and stress relief.
Reduce Joint And Spinal Pain
Apart from stress, there are many factors that can trigger joint and spinal pain and some of which include daily activities, environmental factors, and bad habits. While others opt for pain relievers, it can be beneficial to have consistent sessions of acupuncture treatment from reputable acupuncturists as it can help to reduce inflammation and pain
Relieves Stress
Our specialists and reputable acupuncturists at Dr. Son AcupunctureAnd Massage know that acupuncture can relieve stress. As stress is mainly caused by a busy schedule of work and personal life that even leads to illnesses or accidents, it ends up causing emotional stresses that can affect personal and professional relationships. This is why consistent acupuncture treatments can help as they boost your happiness and lower stress levels.
Enhances Digestion
Acupuncture can also help when it comes to digestive issues as the immune system becomes more reliable in the event that digestion is optimal. It promotes healthy digestion, resulting in improving health.
Relieves Headaches
Also, regular acupuncture treatment can be an effective solution in relieving headaches and migraines. This is because it helps to calm the patient and leaves them with a feeling of euphoria.
Lowers Risk Of Illness
While constant stress and emotional balance may wear the body and mind, it can also trigger various types of physical injuries. Our acupuncturists are skilled to treat patients’ stress-related illnesses, resulting in avoiding them from taking medications or surgical procedures. This is because they offer regular acupuncture treatments to strengthen immunity, resulting in lowering the risk of illness.
Relieves Allergies
Last but not least, apart from treating emotional balance and stress relief, acupuncture treatment help to relieve allergies as many people suffer from constant allergy attacks. Just like what antihistamines usually offer, these allergy attacks require effective and immediate relief. However, taking antihistamines every time can be taxing, this is why it can be beneficial to have regular sessions of acupuncture treatment to improve your immune system. Also, the treatment can make the body more resistant to pathogens and allergens. Research has shown that regular acupuncture treatments also work well with allergy medications.
To learn more about acupuncture treatment in South Edmonton or schedules, contact Dr. Song Acupunture And Massage at 780-435-5312 or send an email to us at